I'm not very good at setting myself daily stitching (or drawing, painting, etc) goals and carrying them through for a month or however long I intend to make myself do them. I start off in a burst of enthusiasm, which gradually drains away, I lose confidence, it seems too daunting and the project gets quietly shelved. Soooooo .... I'm giving it another try. Textile artist Ann Wood (www.annwoodhandmade.com) is running a 100 day stitch book challenge. The idea is that you sew every day, for 100 days, but for only 15 minutes per day. Which for most of us is achievable. At the end of the 100 days you assemble your work into a fabric book. All the details are on her website, including short videos that clearly explain the whole process. I've been gathering up fabric scraps, trying to limit my initial selection of material so I'm not spending too much of my daily 15 minutes dithering and fretting about choosing which material to applique on to a ...
I keep thinking it's Wednesday, but no, it's only Tuesday, and it's also astonishingly mild too. I was out in the garden without a coat on! Makes a change from shivering in layers of thermals and woolies during the recent freezing cold weather. A bit of blue sky and warmish weather really does lift the spirits. I've noticed the days are getting ever-so-slightly longer too. There's the not-too-distant promise of light evenings and spring flowers. Speaking of flowers, the perfume from these blue hyacinths is gorgeous. Nicer than any scented candle. In other 'news', I've been making progress with this scrappy patchwork. It's had its binding attached, and is waiting to be quilted. I know using my sewing machine for those quilt lines would be speedier, but I like the softer look hand stitching gives. The binding's as scrappy as the patchwork squares. I've jumbled up colours and patterns, so there's ever...