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Any colour as long as it's blue


IN THE MORNING:  Greetings from my particular corner of Yorkshire.  The garden's beginning to come to life.  Daffodils are doing their gaudy thing, tulips are just about opening and there're masses of blue hyacinths and muscari (also known as grape hyacinths).  There're clumps of russet and gold coloured wallflowers and the bird feeders are in constant demand from various long tailed and blue tits, starlings and blackbirds, plus the occasional stunning goldfinch.  A jaunty little robin bobs underneath the feeders to catch the scraps that fall their way.  Because it's spring my thoughts turn to spring cleaning.  Then my thoughts turn away from dreary housework and back to sewing ...
I made this recently, intended as a journal wrap but turned out a wee bit too small for that purpose.  So I've been turning it into something to keep sewing odds & ends in.  
I've folded over one end and stitched in place, to form two pockets.  As you can see below, with reels of thread in one side and a tin of beads in the other.  (Empty lip balm tins come in very handy for storing beads, buttons, sequins.)
Then I patched on a square of felt covered in two different materials to make more pockets.  I still need to find a suitable length of ribbon or cord for the tie that'll act as a closure.  I don't know exactly what I want that ribbon or whatever to look like, but I'll know it when I see it.  If that makes any sense.  
I added an Etsy listing for a few scrap packs themed around the colour blue.  Most of the fabric included in the packs is cotton, though there is the occasional polycotton.  I've tried to pick a decent mix of patterns and shades.  It's all come from my fabric stash, so includes brand new material - like the novelty sheep print - as well as upcycled material, like some from a Jigsaw dress and a Monsoon skirt.  
I'm so plagued with self doubt about these kind of things.  One minute I'm thinking 'yeah, this is fine, it's a good selection'.  A minute later and I'm all dejected and convinced my choices are awful.  Well, no one can ever accuse me of over-confidence!  The way I see it, it's inexpensive to list items on Etsy, and if I'm lucky they'll sell, and if not - at least I gave it a go.  Anyway, here's the link if you want to see the listing.  

IN THE EVENING:  It's been an odd kind of day today.  I've been busy, but I don't feel like I've done much.  Do you ever have those days where you feel it's slipped away from you?  Maybe because I was getting small tasks done rather than any one particular achievement I could point to and get a sense of satisfaction from.  I'm also a little out of sorts because I've been eating too many sugary snacks and not enough sensible, well balanced meals.  Bad habits are easy to slip into, and snacking's a temptation I shouldn't give in to quite so much.  Right, tomorrow it's back to healthy eating.  Out goes the crisps and chocolate, in comes the Granny Smiths.  

Hope your week's going well, and you're eating your greens!  Thanks for stopping by my blog.  


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