Sunday 10 March 2024

Let Cities Grow, Inktense dyed threads and more charity shop finds

It's a grey Sunday afternoon, and we've had drizzly rain all day.  I walked to church and back this morning, then it was pyjamas on at a ridiculously early time and to heck with anyone who called around unexpectedly!  I spent the afternoon stitching, finishing what I'd intended to be a journal wrap but which might end up as something else.  I'll photograph it tomorrow when the light's better.  Yesterday I added backing fabric and hanging loops to my mini banner, the one I made after the Stitch Art workshop at Leeds Art Gallery. 
I also added a few beads to the bottom of the banner, to help it hang nicely.  The beads are fairly ugly grey metallic things that'd come in a scrap pack.  They're quite weighty for their size, and I'd wondered what possible use I could find for them.  Well, as usual, if you hang on to stuff, eventually that becomes clear.  
These are two more attempts at dyeing white crochet cotton with Inktense.  I applied more paint for a bolder colour, but again I had blue/green paint coming off the dry, supposedly colourfast thread, so I next time I'll try putting the newly dyed thread in the microwave to dry and seal the colour, instead of trying to iron it.  If that makes sense?  (UPDATE:  Apparently, Inktense doesn't need heat to set it.  Just been informed that by a Facebook user.  I googled it and I think she's right.  Which doesn't change the fact some colour's been coming off the thread once it's dry.  Hmmmm, more experimentation is needed.)

I messed about with a slow stitch square, just randomly adding pink and green fabric scraps to a 4 inch square calico backing.  Annie Claxton (from ArtyFartyAnnie on Facebook and YouTube) is organising a slow stitching swap from April onwards, and I made this square with that in mind.  Then decided it wasn't good enough to swap, so stuck it in a journal instead.  

But I might use the colours as a jumping-off point for something more thought-out that might be good enough to swap, so I don't feel my time was wasted.  Finally, I thought I'd share a nice little haul from a local charity shop.  Because I'm really in need of more books to read ... ha!  As if!  But I couldn't resist three interesting looking novels and a craft book, £4.50 for the lot.  

Hope your weekend's been enjoyable, I'm about to tuck into a huge bowl of pasta so I'll say goodbye for now.  Bye! 

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