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Painted fabric and easy-to-sew pouches


Today's been a mainly-indoors day.  Partly because of heavy rain, but mainly because I want to try and organise all my crafty works-in-progress.  A constant complaint of mine is that I've got loads of things halfway finished or three-quarters done.  Yet I still rush headlong into new projects, having seen something inspiring on Instagram or watched a YouTube video.  Why can't I start making something, complete it, then move on to the next thing?  
.... sighs, rolls eyes, accepts that logic isn't my strong point ...   
Anyway, I'm browsing the Ikea website, looking at storage options.  In the meantime, as you can see in the picture above, I've sewn these pieces of handpainted material together and stitched the whole thing on to a rectangle of calico.  I'll turn it into a fabric roll, so need to decide on backing material.  A lively pink print?  Plain peppermint green cotton?  Or a fat quarter that's got a fifties feel to it?  I'm veering toward the peppermint green.  What do you think?  
Because I'd really enjoyed painting that fabric, I had another go and these were the results.  The paint's a mix of standard Pebeo acrylics and Inktense.
Because I don't use specific fabric paint - like DecoArt's So Soft, for instance - then layering the paint like I've done on this square does make it rather stiff to stitch into.  Might have to treat myself to an assortment of So Soft colours, mightn't I?  
Not entirely certain about this effort as the colours have got muddy, but I do like all those circles and ovals.  Would be fun to embroider into this design.  
As well as making a fabric roll with recently painted material, I also began using the leftovers to make a little lined pouch.  This photo - above - was taken before I folded it in half lengthways and sewed up the side seam and bottom seam.  The pouch is just waiting for its button and ribbon fastening.  
These are a couple of other simple lined pouches I've recently made, also with button and ribbon fastenings.  Here's the front and back views of my fabric choices.  
To fasten these pouches, just roll down the top and wind the ribbon around the button.  
They can be made in any colour, in plain or patterned material, with boro style piecing and slow stitching.  They can be small enough to stuff a few tissues in or large enough to hold a travel sewing kit.  Instead of a narrow ribbon, you could substitute a thicker cord or plait of sari silk or a loop of elastic.  Alternatively, insert a flex frame into the top of the pouch when you're making it, so it can act as a glasses case.  Honestly, the things you can do with a simple design like this!  The only limit's your imagination.  


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