Do you ever make something and think 'uhm, it's okay, but it's missing a certain something'? Some kind of spark that gives your sewing (or drawing, painting, crochet or whatever craft) life and energy. That added extra you can't define but know when you see it. Or rather, when you don't. I've been making simple Jude Hill style pieces of stitching, some of which I'm more pleased with than others. The one on the left - the moon with a face - wasn't right, but I knew what to do to stop it annoying me. The yellow material I'd used was too harsh a yellow, and the facial expression wasn't what I'd been aiming for. So I appliqued a more mellow yellow over the original piece, a slightly fiddly thing to do but I was much happier with the result. I haven't re-sewn the face yet, but probably will. This other piece - in the photo below - hasn't proved so straightforward to put right. It looked too plain, and frankl...