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Is that finished yet?


Another grey Yorkshire day and I've already spent part of it outside, rummaging in the green recycling bin.  I'd bought someone a present that (a) is electrical, so there's always the chance it'll develop a fault, and (b) she might not like it, so I want her to be able to sneakily exchange it.  Which meant I needed to keep the receipt, instead of lobbing it into the bin, along with loads of cans, cardboard, glass and plastic.  No idea what the neighbours thought of my bin-diving, but the receipt's been successfully retrieved, so that's one thing to tick off my 'to do' list.  

Talking of things I'm ticking off my list, I've decided to see December 2024 out by trying to finish lots of little crafty projects that're lying around.  

I sifted through these shelves, tidying and grouping things together, and used several freezer bags to sort WIPs out.  
The last of the embroidery's now finished on this heart.  
These partly-completed scrappy tree decorations have been stitched and beads added.  
They're backed with this almost-leopard print, and have gold thread for their hanging loops.  
I finished these two owls, added seed beads and hanging loops for these as well.  
I also finished my Ulva Ugerup style 'Angel of Wrath'.  I sewed a narrow border all the way round, and backed it with plain cotton material in a rusty red.

She's not a gal you'd want to meet on a dark and stormy night, is she?  Actually, she's probably not a gal you'd want to meet on a bright and sunny day either!  My angel is a Woman of a Certain Rage, to mis-quote a certain TV presenter ... 
Finally, this isn't finished, but it's a step nearer.  I'd sewn some patchwork several months ago, and it'd been lying around without being made up into a quilt.  It's okay but I'm not mad about it.  
I was wondering whether to chop it up and throw the scraps into my fabric stash.  After all, I've plenty of other things to be getting on with, and it was annoying me that it was yet another WIP.  Then I had a mini-brainwave.  I could kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.
This is another un-backed piece of patchwork, but I love this and definitely want to assemble this into a useful quilt.  It's also been lying around for too long, waiting for its wadding and backing fabric.  Well, I've decided the first scrappy quilt can be the backing material for the second.  It's big enough and will do the job nicely.  
Of course, you know that all this creative stuff is merely a distraction.  I'm trying not to think about a heap of presents that need wrapping, and which always takes about three times the amount of time you think it will.  Also, I need to cobble together something edible for our Slimming World Christmas 'do' tomorrow.  I don't think turning up with a multipack of Walkers crisps and a giant sized Toblerone will do the trick.  Will it? 

Right, I'd better crack on.  Those healthy snacks won't make themselves.  Bye for now!


  1. I love the embroidery! The owls are fantastic.
    Glad you managed to salvage the receipt. I hate it when that happens!


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