Okay, I know this looks weird, but the creative urge can take you in all kinds of strange directions, can't it? The prompt for day four of Abstractuary was 'Totem'. I googled it and the meaning I went with is 'a person or thing regarded as being symbolic or representative of a particular quality or concept'. That got me thinking about a wall hanging I made a while ago - and previously blogged about on here - based on textile art by Ulva Ugerup. (Look her up if you've not heard of her. She's fab.) Ulva made a wonderful textile work called 'Angels of Wrath', and I used that as a basis for my own stitched piece. So, for Abstractuary I thought I'd make a kind of stylized doll similar to my stitched angel of wrath. She's got a black felt body, the front with red material appliqued on it, a felt oval for a face, and is stuffed with fabric scraps. I used thin copper wire to make the crazy hair, and threaded beads and broken jewellery and a single earring to hang down below her. I tried to make her expression look suitably fierce! Is she a wrath-filled angel? An avenging goddess? Or just a middle aged woman furious at the world in general? I'll let you decide.
I'm typing this as snow's falling, and has been steadily all day. It's not settling to any great extent, though I bet by tomorrow morning the paths will be slippery with ice. Which always makes me paranoid about falling over and at the very least looking undignified, but at worst breaking a bone or twisting an ankle. Oh well, it's ideal weather to stay inside and craft, isn't it? I finally got around to listing packs of sari scraps on Etsy this morning. I only made up six bundles as I've no clue whether they'll sell or if I've set a reasonable enough price point. Time will tell. This is a link to the listing, if you're interested. This vaguely pink fabric isn't from one of my Etsy packs. It's from a bit of experimenting I was doing yesterday. I'd seen a post on Instagram showing how a DIY version of batik could be done without using hot wax. The Instagrammer used PVA instead, and I wanted to try this out....
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